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Стипендиальная программа фонда RUSLEF25.09.2012 Фонд RUSLEF объявляет конкурс на стажировку в юридическом колледже США. Более подробная информация ниже Russia-United States Legal Education Foundation (RUSLEF) Postal Address: P.O. Box 626, Sanibel, Florida 33957, U.S.A. Street Address: 250 Hurricane Lane, Sanibel, Florida 33957, U.S.A. (239) 395-1832 spjmp@mac.com
2013 RUSLEF Fellowship Application Form
Attach a copy of a transcript of the law faculty courses completed to date together with the grade for each such course. In addition, if you have already graduated please attach a photocopy of your law degree(s). Please also attach a current photo. Either send by e-mail, or by mail to postal address above, or send by private delivery service (e.g., Fedex, DHL, UPS) to street address above.
Name: ________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________________________
Place of Birth: _____________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Telephone number(s) and e-mail address:
Telephone: _________________________________
Cell Phone (if applicable) _______________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
Foreign Passport:
Number & Date of Issuance:
Date of Expiration: ___________________________________
Secondary School Attended: Give name, location, date of graduation, and any honors received:
University attended, address, & name of Dean of Law Faculty:
Years completed as of the date of this application:
If already awarded, year Degree was awarded and any honors
If not awarded yet, state Degree expected and when you
expect to receive it: _________________________
TOEFL Test: Date(s) and places test will be taken, or, if already taken,
date(s) and places where taken and scores:
Prior travel outside Russia. Give countries and dates and nature of visits
abroad (e.g., tourist, study, work):
Work Experience (if any):
List all work experience, part or full time, since completing secondary education. Include name, address, phone number and email address of employer and of person who was your supervisor. Include also nature of work performed and length of employment. ___________________________________________________
Family Information:
Mother’s name:
Mother’s address and phone number:
Mother’s occupation & employer:
Father’s name:
Father’s address and phone number:
Father’s occupation & employer:
Do you have brothers or sisters? ________
Number and ages of brothers: __________ Number and ages of
sisters: ____________
Signature: __________________________________________________
Date of application:
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